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Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Ken Jennings Turns Down A "Real Job" From Microsoft

All-time Jeopardy champion and new Encarta spokesman Ken Jennings was apparently offered a job as a software development engineer at Microsoft a few months ago, but he turned that down, later accepting the higher paying but less substantial role as a product hawker. Gretchen Ledgard notes on her MSDN blog:
A few months ago, I contacted Ken about a Software Development Engineer role with Microsoft, but he never wrote me back. :( I don’t blame him … being a spokesman for a product is probably a cool job. But wouldn’t he get even more satisfaction from actually developing the product … not just talking about it? :)

Ken (and the rest of you brilliant minds out there), you know where I am. :)
Considering Jennings was a software developer in Utah before hitting it big on Jeopardy, it's surprising that an offer from the world's largest software company, one that was clearly impressed with him, didn't even warrant a reply. When Jennings' fifteen minutes are over, he may wish he had taken Microsoft up on that offer.
(via Seattle PI)


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