Microsoft has sold Slate, the popular online magazine, to the Washington Post for and undisclosed amount. Slate, which had been controlled by Microsoft since its launch in 1996, reportedly draws six million users a month, and manages to break even financially. Slate Editor Jacob Weisberg promises that Slate will not see any major changes. Slate will continue to be available on MSN, which,
according to Investor's Business Daily, drove 50-60% of its traffic. In an interview with IBD, Weisberg indicated the Slate was sold for less than was ($500 million).
The Seattle Times reports are that the Post had been seeking unique content distinct from its newspaper articles for some time now.
Reuters points out the sale came only one day after Slate published a piece critical of the Post's series on maternal homicides. Slate's Redmond offices will be shuttered, but its New York and Washington bureau's will remain operating.
Slate's home page:
And just to the right of it:
The Washington Post's Muddled Maternal
Murder Series
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